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Tuesday 26, September 2023 @ 08:47:44
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About Us

Nino Stores started  15 years ago specializing in everything related to Sega Megadrive, Sega Saturn, Playstation 1, Nintendo 64, Computer, Playstation 2, Sega Dream Cast, Nintendo Gamecube, Xbox 1, Play Station 3, Xbobx360 and Nintendo Wii. We’ve been following all innovations in game consoles and we evolved with them. Our slogan has always been "If you want to save money, buy original”.
We’ve also worked with small hand held consoles like Gameboy, Gamboy Color, Gameboy Advanced, Gameboy SP, Sony PSP, Gameboy DS, Gameboy DS Lite, Gameboy DSI and Gameboy XL.
We stayed away from all what is imitated or pirated, we’ve only been dealing with original ad new products.
We’ve always been thinking about the client first.  We try to satisfy his request the best way possible and at the lowest price. That’s what lead us to come up with the idea of exchange and second hand sale. We first applied it with PSP products and it worked very well. Next, we tried it with PS3 and it worked so well that many stores followed our initiative but in different ways.
We promise you continuous evolution and trust, and do our best to stay at your best expectations.