A bizarre incident occurred on the outskirts of an American suburb called Raccoon City. A grisly occurrence in the secluded Spencer mansion in the Arklay Mountains quickly transformed the urban metropolis into a living nightmare for both residents and visitors alike. Leon S. Kennedy is a rookie cop who finds himself tied up in the madness of Raccoon City when he reports in for the world’s worst first day on the job, while Claire Redfield is a street savvy college student who defies the danger of the city as she searches for her brother, Chris. 20 years after the original release of Resident Evil 2, it’s time to return to Raccoon City in this reimagining of the blockbuster second chapter in the Resident Evil survival horror franchise. Both Leon and Claire are playable through separate storylines, each bringing with them a unique perspective on the game’s events as their paths intertwine to tell the complete tale of Resident Evil 2. The powerful RE Engine that was used to bring Resident Evil 7 to terrifying life is also now powering Resident Evil 2. While many of the locations may look similar in design to the original game, this museum-turned-police station is full of surprises for both seasoned veterans and newcomers alike. Various puzzles to solve and completely new areas to explore await those who dare to set foot inside the expansive building. With a new over-the-shoulder camera offering a different perspective on the cramped passageways and massive foyer, you’ll need to keep your wits about you if you want to survive the nightmares that lurk around every corner.